Free Screening for Chronic Dry Eye Syndrome at our Dry Eye Clinic
At Insight Optometrists we have a specialist Dry Eye Clinic with access to all the resources required to treat the various different types of Chronic Dry Eye Syndrome.
Dry eye syndrome is very common and can be caused by a variety of factors, so it’s only by discussing your symptoms and examining your eyes that we can determine the best treatment plan for your condition.
Book a free assessment today to obtain your Treatment Package for Chronic Dry Eye Syndrome.
Insight Optometrists’ Dry Eye Treatment Package include
- 4 Sessions of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)
- BlephEx® Treatment
- Blephasteam® Treatment
- Meibomian Gland Expression
- Fish Oil, Omega-3 and Flaxseed tablets
- Eye Drops, including Natural Anti-Inflammatories and Oil Supplements
IPL has brought new hope for sufferers, with research showing improvement in tear film quality and reduction of chronic dry eye syndrome symptoms after as few as three sessions. An affordable alternative to heat and compression treatments, IPL is more comfortable for most patients and has the potential to achieve lasting results.
Originally developed for treatment of dermatological conditions, the heat produced from focused light eliminates problematic flora on the eyelash margin that can cause Blepharitis and Chronic Dry Eyes syndrome symptoms.
BlephEx® equipment uses a patented disposable micro-sponge to clean and exfoliate along the lash lines, scrubbing them to reduce build-up of bacteria. This improves symptoms almost immediately and restarts the natural cleaning cycle by helping to unblock the tear glands.
Treatments are usually performed monthly and the number of treatments required depends on severity of the dry eye syndrome. In the long run, BlephEx® helps protect the structural integrity of the eyelid, reducing the probability of long term damage to the tear glands.
Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is now recognised as a primary cause or contributor to most cases of chronic dry eye syndrome. The Blephasteam® is a medical device which delivers latent heat therapy to the eyelids in order to relieve the symptoms caused by MGD.
Offered as part of our Dry Eye Clinic, the Blephasteam® treatment helps improve the consistency and quality of the oil layer of the tear film produced by the meibomian glands of the eyelids, leading to improved ocular health, vision and comfort.
Taking high dose Omega-3 supplements has been found to reduce the inflammation around the lids and improve symptoms.
Omega-3 helps the eyelids produce a healthy oil layer that protects tears from evaporating, while at the same time promoting healthy tear production from the inside. As these improvements occur in the glands that produce tears, eye comfort also increases.
IPL Treatment for Dry Eyes
Bringing new hope to sufferers of Dry Eye syndrome, IPL Treatment (Intense Pulsed Light) is now available at Insight Optometrists, Indooroopilly.
Dry Eye syndrome is an irritating condition, ranging from general eye discomfort to severe inflammation of the upper eyelid. It is aggravated by our modern life with many factors contributing to Dry Eyes: artificial lighting, screen work, air conditioning, pollution and even contact lenses.
Previously, there was no cure for Dry Eyes, only symptomatic treatments like eye drops, artificial tears, steam glasses or manual stimulation of the Meibomian glands.
After IPL treatment, immediate improvement is usually seen and, in as few as three sessions, substantial results can be obtained to reduce the effect of dry eyes*. Symptoms are reduced and the health and moisture of the eyes is restored, bringing comfort and relief from this painful condition for the longer term.
As a rapid, effective and affordable alternative to previous treatments, IPL uses pulsating waves of light to stimulate the malfunctioning Meibomian glands of the eye. It is these glands that, when healthy, secrete the external lipid layer of the lacrimal film that provides lubrication of the eye’s surface and prevents evaporation of the tear film.
Source: Studies by E-Swin
With the patient seated in a reclining chair, eye goggles are worn to protect the eyes. The eye area is cleaned and a protective gel applied to the skin below the eyes. Five flashes of light are applied under the lower eyelid on each eye. The process only takes a few minutes to complete.
IPL has been used in the cosmetic industry for 20 years, and the light flashed in the Dry Eye treatment is at less than half the strength than that used in, for example, pigmentation treatment. There is no risk of skin cancer from IPL because the light is filtered to ensure it is well outside dangerous limits. The treatment is not suitable for pregnant women.
IPL treatment is suitable for most Dry Eye sufferers, however, Insight Optometrists offer a Free Dry Eye Evaluation to assess your condition and plan a personalised treatment program at no obligation. This consultation will confirm the best course of action to bring relief from your symptoms and will include the use of IPL and other treatments where appropriate.